Wednesday, August 14, 2019

There is no psychological time, thought has invented an illusion.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Wisdom from elsewhere

I'm reading a book at the moment. Its called the 'Tao of Pooh and the Te of Piglet'. You may know it? In the chapter 'The Now of Pooh' there is a piece I would like to quote if I may...

"A Brain can do all kinds of things, but the things that it can do are not the most important things. Abstract cleverness of the mind only seperates the thinker from the world of reality, and that world, the Forest of Real Life, is in a desperate condition now because of too many who think too much and care too little. In spite of what many minds have thought themselves into believing, that mistake cannot continue for much longer if everything is going to survive. The one chance we have to avoid certain disaster is to change our approach, and to learn to value wisdom and contentment. These are the things that are being searched for anyway, through Knowledge and Cleverness, but they do not come from Knowledge and Cleverness. They never have, and they never will. We can no longer afford to look so desperately hard for something in the wrtong way and in the wrong place. If Knowledge and Cleverness are allowed to go on wrecking things, they will before much longer destroy all life on earth as we know it..."


Thursday, January 12, 2017


We are so conditioned. It is ego that wants to put the world right, it is not compassion. Compassion does not get angry or frustrated that it is not being listened to. It is ego that riles and fumes when other don't see clearly what my ego is telling them.

Can self evident truth be shared without ego, ambition, judgment and aggression etc.?

What is ones motive when one shares ones self evident truth? If motive is driven by reward, psychologically or physically there is no purity or innocence and therefore no beauty.
   That is not 'right' action. That is action of the will, which is desire and force to push for a desired outcome. This is how we end up going to war whether with guns, tongues or making an enemy in our hearts.

Here is the News...

The news on the media fails us. Interesting and serious items, and talks, are cut short. We have no time to consider and reflect on what is being said before the next item is forced onto our attention.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Are ones' thinking projections possibly completely incorrect?

Ones' projections in thought teaches one misunderstanding, hate, resistance and resentment. We do this in abstract thought, projecting onto others without knowing if there is any truth in our thoughts. Why do we do take these random concepts, loosely based on other peoples actions toward us, as if they are undisputed facts?
Can we see what our perceptions and projections are doing? Is there a way of seeing that projections of the mind are so rarely the truth and therefore should be treated with the utmost caution?

Ones' projections are conceptual so if one gives them undue credence, one asks am I addicted to conflict? Projections are not the truth but if we believe them to be the truth there is conflict between what is actual and what we have made up that has the illusion of being actual. Understanding this and holding on to the projections as if truth, leads one to ask if one is addicted to conflict?

Can one let go of ones imaginary disagreements with people you have decided are deliberately hurting you. You make that decision by your interpretation of their actions. Why do we do this? 

Hurts are feelings and are real i.e. they happen, but the explanation of them to ourselves may be completely incorrect and this is the world in which we live - a made-up one.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Just a feeling

Sometimes you don't have to mind about not winning, if to win means going in the wrong direction.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I want to live

I want to live.
I want to live where the colour of the skin and where you have come from doesn't matter.
I want to live where war is not a solution and the past is not glorified.
I want to live where power is not abused and I want to live where the poorest are respected.
I want to live where dogma is not dominant and ideas flow freely.
I want to live where meeting people is always a pleasure.
I want to live where my neighbour smiles whatever their background.
I want to live where the elephant in the room is only an elephant in the room, and every conversation is only just what it is.
I want to live where personal views are only personal views.
I want to live where there is no hidden agenda, where you and I can say what we mean.
I want to live where the sun shines out of a blue sky 50% of the time.
I want to live where things that go wrong are not the end of the world.
I want to live where human beings do not hide in denial of mortality.
I want to live where illness is cared for and not just barely paid for.
I want to live where doing business is not a reason for doing the wrong thing.
I want to live where disagreements are understood not vilified and turned into hate.
I want to live where us and them doesn't exist.
I want to live where 'optimist' is not a rude word to be sneered at with scepticism.
I want to live where a diverse world is a reality, not a monoculture of ideas and nature expected.
I want to live where trees are free to grow not just because they are an economic asset.
I want to live where sharing is not considered stupid and naive.
I want to live where the pursuit of heightened experiences are understood for being just that.
I want to live where, if we have to have a god, that it is not just part of an economic balance sheet.
I want to live where being fed up is replaced by awe with what we already have.
I want to live where laughter is natural and heard often.
I want to live where paying taxes is ok because it benefits everyone.
I want to live where sensitivity is not considered crass or impractical.
I want to live where passion is not replaced by neurotic fears that inhibit our real feelings.
I want to live where the shit jobs are made better and the word 'lazy' is no longer used against people who want to do them less.
I want to live where my personal resistances do not interfere with you personal aspirations.
above all I want to live
here, and now.